
Dress(v.) is the first clothing project in my doctoral studies. It started from the need of understanding how is it that we relate with the things we wear. So I decided to start from the action of getting dressed, of putting on clothes, in my everyday mornings. 

These movements informed me forms to create patterns for a series of clothes, out of which I highlight the white shirts. More can be seen from the images. More can be felt by trying on the pieces : ) 

The results of this project have been disseminated through the exhibitions and publications below: 

Exhibition:  Dress(v.) . Casa Ramalhete . June 2015

Book Chapter: Valle-Noronha, J., Niinimäki, K. (2017) Fashion Design Probes In Opening up the Wardrobe: A Methods Book. Fletcher, K. Klepp, I. (eds.). Oslo: Novus. 

Conference Proceedings:  Valle-Noronha, J. (2017) The body within the clothes: A case study on embodiment in clothing design. Art of Research Conference 2017, Helsinki.

Valle-Noronha, J. (2016) Dress(v.): Encorporeamento de movimentos através de modelagem criativa. 12º Colóquio de Moda Proceedings. João Pessoa: UFPE. 

Valle-Noronha, J. (2016) ‘Is it because you know who made it?’: Authorial fashion shifting wearers relation to clothes. IFFTI Proceedings. Beijing: BIFT.