Mini Bio
Julia Valle Noronha is a designer-researcher-educator based in Finland. Brazilian born and raised, she did her B.Sc. in Social Communication (UFMG), but soon realised it was through clothes that she made sense of the world. Julia has worked as a fashion designer in Brazil, with experience ranging from experimental fashion and high-end fashion to streetwear, before starting her master studies. Julia holds a MA in Visual Arts (UFRJ) and a DA in Design (Aalto ARTS). At present, she is an Assistant Professor in Fashion Design at Aalto University, working together with Fashion and Textiles Futures and Empirica research groups. Her research interest revolves around wearer-worn engagements, fashion education for sustainability, and alternatives modes of making, caring, retailing, researching and experiencing clothes.
Too know more, feel free to check my public profile at: Aalto Research page.